Modernising EU Batteries Directive – The legislative measures to a new Batteries Regulation
By mid-November, the European Commission is going to publish its legislative proposal for a revised batteries directive. A major novelty will be the shift from Directive to Regulation. Also new will be additional requirements for social responsibility and sustainability. In total, fourteen new measures are expected to form the basis for the new batteries regulation in Europe.
In the first issue of “The Battery Value Chain Explains”, RECHARGE – the industry association for advanced rechargeable and lithium batteries in Europe – wishes to explain the impacts of the planned rules for batteries on the industry, and, where applicable, on the environment and users. Step by step, measure by measure:
- Level Playing Field: In line with the amibitions of the European Battery Alliance, the legislation should support a prosperous European battery industry that will substantially contribute to the
achievement of the emission reduction targets while being capable of competing against strong, existing markets outside of the EU on a fair basis. Measures must, hence, apply to EU as well as
imported batteries, and be meaningful and effective.
- Lean Legislation: Industry, long-term investments and cutting-edge innovations depend on a legislative framework that is capable of providing predictability and flexibility likewise. The coherence between the different legislative instruments regulating batteries and their components should be taken into account when modernizing the batteries legislation. Overlaps, as well as
over-regulation, must be avoided. Measures should be balanced and based on a sound, scientific argumentation.
- Value Chain Approach: For battery-enabled decarbonization and innovations to succeed, it is essential to ensure that the battery industry in and outside of Europe is socially and environmentally sustainable throughout its entire value chain. All steps, from materials extraction to manufacturing and recycling should ensure human, social, and labor rights and contribute to
the CO2 reduction objectives. A sustainable and internationally competitive industry cannot be provided otherwise.
A strong supporter of the European sustainability agenda, RECHARGE participates with scientific evidence and industry knowledge in the respective institutional work programs to help establish a regulatory framework that will enable European actors to execute on the technological, environmental and social leadership ambitions of the Strategic Action Plan on Batteries.
Download here the full position paper.