Expert Partner for Policy-Makers & Industry

Thanks to our unique membership and recognized credibility, RECHARGE can act as the expert partner for policy-makers, industry and academia.

Expert Partner for Policy-Makers & Industry

Thanks to our unique membership and recognized credibility, RECHARGE can act as the expert partner for policy-makers, industry and academia.

A coherent legislative framework for a thriving industry

To ensure the transition towards a resource- and energy-efficient society and to facilitate the generation of a green and circular economy while promoting technological enhancement, RECHARGE and its members actively contribute to the legislative and industrial advancements in the rechargeable battery sector. It is our goal to shape the current policy framework to enable sustainable industry development at an international level playing field.

Given the broad usage of rechargeable batteries and the industry’s complex global value chain, RECHARGE pays special attention to the harmonization of legislation and standards. Batteries are subject to a series of international, European and national legislation pertaining to raw materials, design, transport, use and end-of-life management.

Our Policy Focus

Intending to secure a sustainable development of the European rechargeable battery industry, and, therefore, acting upon the EU’s ambitions of fostering key technologies, RECHARGE and its members focus on the following four policy areas:

Advanced rechargeable batteries play a pivotal role in the transition towards renewable energy generation. Energy storage is critical to ensuring a smooth energy production by balancing the grid in off-peak and low electricity production periods. Advanced rechargeable batteries can provide a reliable and permanent interface between the production site and the electricity grid.

Advanced rechargeable batteries also power electric vehicles, significantly contributing to the EU’s goal of a climate-neutral, zero-emission mobility system. To charge these batteries in an environmentally sound manner, RECHARGE calls for the use of renewable energy sources.

Battery demand is steadily increasing to enable the transition towards green, zero-emission mobility and decarbonized energy generation. Economically, environmentally and socially responsible raw material sourcing, and securing the supply of primary raw materials are critical to meeting today’s and future demand, hence.

Equally important is to increase the contribution of secondary raw materials in the materials mix. The recycling of materials used in batteries is a critical element of the life cycle of a rechargeable battery. Since more energy-efficient processes can often operate the recovery of battery-relevant materials than the production of primary materials, waste treatment must be a viable part of both a dynamic and responsible sourcing culture.

Since batteries contain a series of different chemicals, RECHARGE is also actively involved in chemicals policy, including advocacy work in REACH, RoHS or CLP.

At RECHARGE we believe in the efficient use of our resources. By researching into advanced materials technologies, manufacturing rechargeable batteries with a superior lifetime performance and optimizing the recovery of high-impact raw materials, the industry can provide for a sustainable raw materials supply, today and in the future. In this respect, RECHARGE advocates a supporting policy framework that fosters long-term investments in technological advancements and does not jeopardize the competitiveness of the European battery industry on an international scale.

We support the Raw Materials Initiative of the European Commission that we believe is the right way forward to help European industries and Research & Innovation to engage in long-term planning and investments in the area of recycling.

In its 2030 climate and energy framework, the European Union has agreed to achieve a reduction of EU greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of at least 40% by 2030 (based on 1990 levels). In January 2019, the EU revised its rules for CO2 emissions standards for new cars and vans and agreed on mechanisms to encourage the sale of more zero- and low-emission vehicles.

Advanced rechargeable batteries are a key technology for silent and low-emission electric vehicles, from bicycles and scooters, to cars and buses, to lorries and ships. When produced by renewable energy sources, electricity is a truly green mean to power transport.

To reach the full potential of batteries to help decarbonize the European mobility system, RECHARGE calls for increased renewables-based electricity generation, the further development of a comprehensive and smart charging infrastructure, and a policy environment that allows for continued investments in advanced battery technologies.

Our policy work is about

  • Harmonized legislation and standards at European and global scale
  • A holistic policy approach for continued technological advancements and the further development of the entire battery value chain in Europe
  • Promoting advanced European rechargeable batteries as a key technology for a more empowered, sustainable and circular society
  • Legislative requirements that can foster an international level playing field
  • A joint policy and industry strategy for ensuring long-term access to sustainable raw material sourcing
  • Result-oriented legislation that focuses on recognized and measurable impacts
  • Social and environmental standards that will not only improve life in Europe but across the globe